Tag: Holy Spirit

A Safe Guide For Life

By: Keith R. Keyser “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our […]

The Mind Of The Spirit

This article first appeared in the Sept.-Oct. 2009 issue of Uplook.

The human heart craves sympathetic understanding – someone who can perceive its deepest sorrows and urgent needs. Characterized as this life is by rigorous trials and pervasive pain, “a shoulder to cry on” is required gear for journeying in this fallen world. Christians are not exempt from this natural desire for comfort and encouragement. So it is with great joy that one reads of the magnificent work of “the mind of the Spirit” in Romans 8:27, for it tells of the Spirit’s ministry on behalf of suffering saints. All three persons of the trinity are mentioned in this beautiful passage. How blessed it is to know that the triune God is vitally interested in the saints’ well-being! What is more, He will faithfully and adeptly conform them to the glorious image of Christ (Rom. 8:28-29).

The Personality & Deity of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is arguably the most misunderstood person of the Trinity. Thanks to the twentieth century rise of Pentecostalism, along with the subsequent emergence of the “Signs and Wonders Movement,” the Holy Spirit is now the center of attention throughout the publishing and musical wings of Christendom. In spite of the plethora of books, sermons, and songs that have emerged concerning the so called “Third Person of the Godhead,” the biblical doctrine of the Spirit remains obscure in the minds of many Christians. In fact, much of the attention has only muddied the exegetical waters by propounding errors regarding His identity and ministry. Like the other persons of the Trinity, He is often maligned and attacked. Numerous cults deny His personality and deity; others misunderstand His activities. Nevertheless, the Scriptures clearly teach that He is a distinct person of the Godhead with all of the attributes, prerogatives, and activities of deity.

To read the entire article, click on the title.

The Personality & Deity of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is arguably the most misunderstood person of the Trinity. Thanks to the twentieth century rise of Pentecostalism, along with the subsequent emergence of the “Signs and Wonders Movement,” the Holy Spirit is now the center of attention throughout the publishing and musical wings of Christendom. In spite of the plethora of books, sermons, and songs that have emerged concerning the so called “Third Person of the Godhead,” the biblical doctrine of the Spirit remains obscure in the minds of many Christians. In fact, much of the attention has only muddied the exegetical waters by propounding errors regarding His identity and ministry. Like the other persons of the Trinity, He is often maligned and attacked. Numerous cults deny His personality and deity; others misunderstand His activities. Nevertheless, the Scriptures clearly teach that He is a distinct person of the Godhead with all of the attributes, prerogatives, and activities of deity.
To read the entire article, click on the title.