Month: June 2009

Mirror, Mirror

“But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit.” 2 Cor. 3:18, ASV

Shakespeare famously described the theater in these words: “whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold as ’twere, the mirror up to nature; to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure” (emphasis mine.) The recently deceased Brazilian stage director, Augusto Boal once commented on this metaphor, saying: “I think that’s very nice. But I would like to have a mirror with some magic properties in which we could, if we don’t like the image that we have in front of us, would allow us to penetrate into the mirror and transform our image and then come back with our image transformed.” One can sympathize with his sentiments, for honest introspection reveals many flaws and destructive attitudes within one’s own heart. Man’s rebellion against his Creator has warped his personality and rendered him a slave to unbridled passions and perverseness. Sin scars people, and – if left unchecked – leaves an eternally calloused, distorted soul (Rev. 22:11.) To put the matter in scriptural phraseology, sin brings about death (James 1:15.)

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Guest Author: Barry Kirk – Indispensable Truths Regarding The Lord's Humanity

Every true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ guards with great zeal the truth of His essential deity. We love the fact and bask in the wonder that our blessed Savior is truly God. Nothing encourages the Christian’s heart more than the knowledge that the plan to save them from their sin and eternal condemnation was actually carried out to the uttermost by the Son of God Himself. BLESSED BE HIS NAME! Then, too, to reflect on vital truths associated with His complete and perfect humanity thrills the hearts and souls of the redeemed as well. Consider, then, just four of the thoughts that bring out the indispensable importance that the Son of God became, and ever shall be, fully and genuinely man.
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Guest Author: Barry Kirk – Indispensable Truths Regarding The Lord’s Humanity

Every true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ guards with great zeal the truth of His essential deity. We love the fact and bask in the wonder that our blessed Savior is truly God. Nothing encourages the Christian’s heart more than the knowledge that the plan to save them from their sin and eternal condemnation was actually carried out to the uttermost by the Son of God Himself. BLESSED BE HIS NAME! Then, too, to reflect on vital truths associated with His complete and perfect humanity thrills the hearts and souls of the redeemed as well. Consider, then, just four of the thoughts that bring out the indispensable importance that the Son of God became, and ever shall be, fully and genuinely man.

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