Guest Author: Barry Kirk – Indispensable Truths Regarding The Lord’s Humanity

A guest contribution by brother Barry Kirk (formerly published in Milk & Honey.)

Every true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ guards with great zeal the truth of His essential deity. We love the fact and bask in the wonder that our blessed Savior is truly God. Nothing encourages the Christian’s heart more than the knowledge that the plan to save them from their sin and eternal condemnation was actually carried out to the uttermost by the Son of God Himself. BLESSED BE HIS NAME! Then, too, to reflect on vital truths associated with His complete and perfect humanity thrills the hearts and souls of the redeemed as well. Consider, then, just four of the thoughts that bring out the indispensable importance that the Son of God became, and ever shall be, fully and genuinely man.
I. HE WOULD SHED BLOOD AND DIE. Romans 6:23a proclaims that if sin’s wages are ever to be paid there must be death and Hebrews 9:22 proclaims that apart from the shedding of blood there is no remission. But not just any death or blood would do. The deaths of bulls and goats and the shedding of their blood could never take away sins (Heb. 10:4). Only absolute perfection could ever satisfy all the demands of an outraged Holiness. But, BLESSED BE HIS NAME, when God became a man Who could then shed His own precious blood and die bearing our sins in His own body on the tree all of Heaven’s requirements were fully met in Him.
II. HE WOULD BE OUR FORERUNNER. The principle of the forerunner is this: the manner in which the forerunner is treated foretells the manner in which the one who follows will be treated. Consider for example John Baptist. How was he ultimately treated? He was killed for his message. Then how was the One for whom he was the forerunner ultimately treated? He, too, was killed for His message. Now contemplate that our Forerunner has gone to His Father’s house (Jn. 14:2-3), yea, even within the veil (Heb. 6:19-20). How was He received there? When He had by Himself purged our sins He sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high (Heb. 1:3b). Until that moment, there had never been a human being in the Father’s house. But now, BLESSED BE HIS NAME, the Father’s house has been prepared to now not only be populated with human beings but also to accept many sons in glory (Heb. 2:10). Now the earnest of our reception there fully rests on the reality that there is a Man in the glory Who has been exalted to the highest station in all the universe. Now there is neither fear nor question as to how we shall one day be received. There is already a glorified Man there … He is our Forerunner … And His reception foretells ours.
III. HE WOULD UNDERSTAND LIFE DOWN HERE. Regarding this life that we live, we can be sure that God knows. We can be sure that God cares. We can be sure that God is able. But, BLESSED BE HIS NAME, (and we speak as reverently as we can) now that He has become a real man (sin apart) He really understands all of the vicissitudes of this life. No lovelier Resource than the reality that we do not have a high priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin (Heb. 4:15). Sad? He wept. Financial problems? He became poor. Rejected? He came unto His own and His own received Him not. Tired? He fell asleep. Burdened? His soul was very heavy. Tested by the wicked one? He was spared no device of Satan. Destitute? He had nowhere
to lay His head? It is a marvelous truth that this Man is qualified in every sense of the word to be our Great High Priest. He understands.
IV. HE WOULD BE UNIQUE. So much could be said in connection with His uniqueness but no sweeter than this: this Man because He continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore, He is able to save them to the uttermost that come to God by Him, seeing that He ever liveth to make intercession for them. And in this, dear brethren and sisters, we come full circle. The Son of God became a complete and real man and He died down here to save us. And, BLESSED BE HIS NAME, this Man … this same Jesus … lives up there in the power of an endless life to keep us saved. There has never been a high priest like this Great High Priest.
Oh, thank God that He never ceased to be what He had always been (God) when He became what He had never been before (Man). And, BLESSED BE HIS MATCHLESS NAME, He will never cease to be what He became (Man).

Click on link to download the article in pdf.:  Reflections on the Lord Jesus Christ’s Humanity