- The publisher provided me with a complimentary electronic review copy.
Having recently enjoyed Christopher Ash’s short work on Job and theodicy, Trusting God In The Darkness, I was looking forward to reading this small book on the practical subject of anger. I was not disappointed. Messrs. Ash and Midgley write in a lucid style, carefully grounding their discussion in the Scriptures. They also use numerous examples from their pastoral experience at the local church level.
I expected the book to give helpful teaching on mortifying sinful anger, but was surprised by the extensive discussion of types of anger, as well as the underlying causes of righteous or unrighteous manifestations of anger. The discussion of divine anger was particularly refreshing for these modern times, where God’s wrath is deemed a relic of an unenlightened age. The authors do an outstanding job of explaining the Bible’s doctrine of the Almighty’s righteous anger, which is inexorably linked to His justice and love of His creatures.
I heartily recommend this book for any thinking Christian, who seeks a good biblical survey of anger: the good, the bad, and the ugly, so to speak. This slim volume will provide much food for thought, in addition to clues for further study. Most of all, it provides practical instruction on an essential aspect of practical sanctification.