God Sent Forth His Son
But when the fulness of the time was come,
God sent forth his Son,
MADE of a woman, MADE under the law,
To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts…Gal. 4:4-6.
HOW WAS HE MADE? – “made of a woman”
Christ did not come as a spirit angel (a Christophany) but as a human. He is the very seed of David and Abraham giving Him legal royal status, Matt. 1:1. But He was made of a woman by the Holy Spirit (not by a man thus bypassing Adam’s sin curse), Matt. 1:18. As by a woman, Jesus is the Son of Man. As by the Spirit, Jesus is the Son of God, Luke 1:35.
WHERE WAS HE MADE? – “made under the law”
The Lord obeyed many rules that we aren’t asked to do, Col. 2:16, (like keep the Sabbath, send people to a priest at the temple, celebrate holydays, etc.) because He was under law. He would be the first to fulfill the law without breaking it in thought or action, Mt. 5:17, 1Pet. 2:22. This qualified the Lord Jesus as the perfect sacrifice in a world of sinners.
WHEN WAS HE MADE? – “When the fullness of time was come…made”
Politically right time – In 27BC Rome came into full power bringing with it civil law and order. Paul used that law in self-preservation for the gospel’s sake, Acts 22:24-30.
Secularly right time – There was now the great Roman road system that the apostles would use.
Prophetically right time – Prophecies had well aged proving who Jesus was, Acts 10:43. One was over 500 years old that Messiah would come and be cut off before the 2nd temple would fall (which happened in 70AD), Daniel 9:25-26.
Spiritually right time – The Old Testament had now been translated to Greek (the Septuagint), the common man’s language. Also due to the fall of Israel’s temple in 586BC, scattered Jews formed synagogues all over the empire where the Bible prophets were read in many communities, Acts 14:1; 17:1-3.
Religiously right time – Moses’ holy law was now old – proving by Israel’s history that man can’t keep it and thus needs a Savior by grace, Rom. 5:20-21, Gal. 3:23-26.
“made…to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons”
He came to redeem (free or rescue by a right payment) man from 2 things. 1. To redeem us from the law’s curse-judgment by His perfect blood sacrifice unto God on our behalf, Gal. 3:10-13. 2. To redeem from the law itself as a master over us, so to form a new son relationship. He did this by dying – for death is a legal separator, Rom. 7:1-6. The law ordinances were nailed to His cross, Col. 2:14. We as free are not under what Christ was.
“made…sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba Father”
The risen Lord Jesus Christ, by giving believers the Spirit, takes us from children under law-rules to adult sons with a heart to serve. The Lord does not leave us just dead to the law but gives us life in the Spirit. The Spirit inside replaces the law on the outside. So we are not servants but sons of God (with His life) and thus have a rich inheritance, Gal. 4:7.
But when the fulness of the time was come,
God sent forth his Son,
MADE of a woman, MADE under the law,
To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts…Gal. 4:4-6.
HOW WAS HE MADE? – “made of a woman”
Christ did not come as a spirit angel (a Christophany) but as a human. He is the very seed of David and Abraham giving Him legal royal status, Matt. 1:1. But He was made of a woman by the Holy Spirit (not by a man thus bypassing Adam’s sin curse), Matt. 1:18. As by a woman, Jesus is the Son of Man. As by the Spirit, Jesus is the Son of God, Luke 1:35.
WHERE WAS HE MADE? – “made under the law”
The Lord obeyed many rules that we aren’t asked to do, Col. 2:16, (like keep the Sabbath, send people to a priest at the temple, celebrate holydays, etc.) because He was under law. He would be the first to fulfill the law without breaking it in thought or action, Mt. 5:17, 1Pet. 2:22. This qualified the Lord Jesus as the perfect sacrifice in a world of sinners.
WHEN WAS HE MADE? – “When the fullness of time was come…made”
Politically right time – In 27BC Rome came into full power bringing with it civil law and order. Paul used that law in self-preservation for the gospel’s sake, Acts 22:24-30.
Secularly right time – There was now the great Roman road system that the apostles would use.
Prophetically right time – Prophecies had well aged proving who Jesus was, Acts 10:43. One was over 500 years old that Messiah would come and be cut off before the 2nd temple would fall (which happened in 70AD), Daniel 9:25-26.
Spiritually right time – The Old Testament had now been translated to Greek (the Septuagint), the common man’s language. Also due to the fall of Israel’s temple in 586BC, scattered Jews formed synagogues all over the empire where the Bible prophets were read in many communities, Acts 14:1; 17:1-3.
Religiously right time – Moses’ holy law was now old – proving by Israel’s history that man can’t keep it and thus needs a Savior by grace, Rom. 5:20-21, Gal. 3:23-26.
“made…to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons”
He came to redeem (free or rescue by a right payment) man from 2 things. 1. To redeem us from the law’s curse-judgment by His perfect blood sacrifice unto God on our behalf, Gal. 3:10-13. 2. To redeem from the law itself as a master over us, so to form a new son relationship. He did this by dying – for death is a legal separator, Rom. 7:1-6. The law ordinances were nailed to His cross, Col. 2:14. We as free are not under what Christ was.
“made…sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba Father”
The risen Lord Jesus Christ, by giving believers the Spirit, takes us from children under law-rules to adult sons with a heart to serve. The Lord does not leave us just dead to the law but gives us life in the Spirit. The Spirit inside replaces the law on the outside. So we are not servants but sons of God (with His life) and thus have a rich inheritance, Gal. 4:7.
What a wonderful explanation of the incarnation and how it affects those who believe. How great to have it all tied together in one message. Thanks so much.