Author: krkeyser

Book review: “Dear Skeptic Friend”

Jerry Mattix, Dear Skeptic Friend. Dubuque, IA: Emmaus International, 2019. 108 pp.; for ordering, see here: In the same vein as his previous book, Dear Muslim Friend (2014), veteran Christian worker Jerry Mattix’s book, Dear Skeptic Friend tackles some of the most frequent objections that secularists and other unbelievers often level at Christianity. Mr. […]

A Better “Coming Out”

Today some of the lost are observing “National Coming Out Day,” celebrating sin and godless self-expression which is patently condemned by God’s Word (e.g. Rom. 1:24-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; 1 Tim. 1:10, etc.) Although they think that this is freedom, in reality it is an insidious form of spiritual bondage – like every other type […]

Book review: John C. Lennox, Joseph: A Story of Love, Hate, Slavery, Power, and Forgiveness. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2019.

[Disclaimer: I received from Crossway a free copy of this book in pdf. for review purposes.]   With his usual clarity and verve, the Oxford mathematician and Christian apologist, Dr. John Lennox has written an edifying exposition of Joseph’s life. His opening overview of Genesis is reason enough to acquire this book. His style is […]

Book Review: Miles V. Van Pelt, ed., A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2016.

Disclaimer: I received a digital copy in kindle format from Crossway for review.   A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Old Testament is the companion volume to Crossway’s A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament. This first volume is like an Old Testament Introduction, but it especially emphasizes the Christocentric redemptive-salvation theme of the Bible. It […]

Recommended resource: “Prepared for Glory” by David Gooding.

David W. Gooding, Prepared For Glory: A Myrtlefield HouseTranscript. Belfast, NI: Myrtlefield Trust, 2019. Transcript of messages from Vancouver, BC, Canada, April, 1991. Available to freely access on here. The Myrtlefield Trust people continue to do an outstanding job of furnishing the church with David W. Gooding’s Bible teaching on various subjects. Professionally, Prof. […]

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